Tiny Tot -- Limit 14. Ages 18 months thru 3 years with parent. Instructor not in water.
Skills taught: Jump in, hang on edge, travel along the edge, climb out of the pool, kick legs, paddle arms, go underwater, blow bubbles, and float on back. Advance to Poly Wog.
Poly Wog -- Limit 14. Ages 3 years thru 5 years with parent. Instructor not in water.
Skills taught: Jump in, climb out with/without help, front float, back float, front push of the wall, back push off the wall, turn over front to back, float through a hula hoop, bob along the wall, puppy paddle with/without help, and monkey airplane soldier with/without help. Advance to Poly Beginner 1.
Bobber -- Limit 4. Ages 5 years thru 6 years.
Prerequisite: None
** Special note** This course is specifically tailored for swimmers who are fearful around water. Children will be transitioned into Poly Beginner 1 if they show no fear or discomfort around water.
Skills taught: Enter and exit water unassisted using ladder or side, submerge mouth, nose, and eyes and blow bubbles, front float, back float, puppy paddle 10 yards with a belt, and monkey airplane soldier 10 yards with a belt. Advance to Poly Beginner 1.
Poly Beginner 1 -- Limit 6. Ages 5 years thru 7 years.
Prerequisite: None
Skills taught: Enter and exit water unassisted using ladder or side, submerge mouth, nose, and eyes and blow bubbles, front float, back float, puppy paddle 10 yards without a belt, and monkey airplane soldier 10 yards without a belt. Advance to Poly Beginner 2.
Poly Beginner 2 -- Limit 6. Ages 5 years thru 7 years.
Prerequisite: Able to pass Poly Beginner 1 or equivalent skills.
Skills taught: Enter water by jumping into shallow and deep water unassisted, front glide with face in the water in streamline position, back float with glide, front crawl with face in water 10 yards, introduced to side breathing, monkey airplane soldier 10 yards, and introduced to back crawl. Advance to Poly Beginner 3.
Poly Beginner 3 -- Limit 6. Ages 5 years thru 7 years.
Prerequisite: Able to pass Poly Beginner 2 or equivalent skills.
Skills taught: Jump into deep water from side and diving board, dive using sitting and kneeling position, retrieve an object from 5-foot area of pool, tread water 30 seconds, monkey airplane soldier 15 yards, front crawl with rhythmic breathing 15 yards, and back crawl 15 yards. Advance to Level 3.
Beginner -- Limit 6. Ages 8 years and up.
Prerequisite: None
Skills taught: Enter water by jumping into shallow and deep water unassisted, front glide with face in the water in streamline position, back float with glide, puppy paddle 15 yards, monkey airplane soldier 15 yards, introduced to back crawl, introduced to side breathing, and introduced to front crawl with face in water 10 yards. Advance to Advanced Beginner.
Advanced Beginner -- Limit 6. Ages 8 years and up
Prerequisite: Able to pass Beginner or equivalent skills.
Skills taught: Jump into deep water from side and diving board, dive using sitting and kneeling position, retrieve an object from 5-foot area of pool, tread water 30 seconds, monkey airplane soldier 15 yards, front crawl with rhythmic breathing 15 yards, and back crawl 15 yards. Advance to Level 3.
ARC Level 3 -- Limit 10.
Prerequisite: Able to pass Poly Beginner 3, Advanced Beginner, or equivalent skills.
Skills taught: Front crawl with rhythmic breathing 25 yards, back crawl 25 yards, elementary backstroke 25 yards, tread water 1 minute, dive using compact and stride position, and general and personal water safety skills. Advance to ARC Level 4.
ARC Level 4 -- Limit 10.
Prerequisite: Able to pass ARC Level 3 or equivalent skills.
Skills taught: Front crawl 50 yards, back crawl 50 yards, elementary backstroke 50 yards, breaststroke 25 yards, introduced to butterfly, introduced to sidestroke, tread water 2 minutes, and general and personal water safety skills. Advance to ARC Level 5.
ARC Level 5 -- Limit 10.
Prerequisite: Able to pass ARC Level 4 or equivalent skills.
Skills taught: Front crawl 100 yards, back crawl 100 yards, elementary backstroke 100, breaststroke 50 yards, butterfly 25 yards, sidestroke 50 yards, tread water 2 minutes, surface dives, flip turns and open turns, rescue breathing, and general and personal water safety skills. Advance to ARC Level 6.
ARC Level 6 -- Limit 10.
Prerequisite: Able to pass ARC Level 5 or equivalent skills.
Skills taught: Front crawl 200 yards, back crawl 200 yards, elementary backstroke 200, breaststroke 100 yards, butterfly 50 yards, sidestroke 100 yards, forward dive fall in from board, approach and hurdle, introduced to tuck dive, introduced to pike dive, demonstrate etiquette in swimming and diving and various training techniques, CPR, and general and personal water safety skills.
Introduction to Diving -- Ages 9 years and up.
Prerequisite: Able to pass ARC Level 3 or equivalent skills.
**Special Note** Swimmers who are under the age of 9 and have passed ARC Level 3 or can demonstrate equivalent skills may enroll in this course with special permission from the aquatics coordinator.
This course is designed to teach the foundation skills for competitive diving and expand upon American Red Cross diving skills in Levels 3 thru 6. Participants should already be comfortable jumping from the 1 meter springboard and diving from the side prior to the first class.
Water Aerobics -- Limit 26.
Prerequisite: None
This course is designed as a low impact general fitness course for participants of all ages. Swimming skills are not required, but comfort in shoulder deep water is recommended.
Lifeguard Training -- Ages 15 years and up.
Prerequisite: 1) Able to swim 300 yards continuously demonstrating breath control and rhythmic breathing (cannot be on back or side), 2) Tread water for 2 minutes, using only the legs, and 3) swim 20 yards, surface dive to a depth of 10 feet and retrieve a 10-pound object, and swim 20 yards on the back to starting point and exit the water.
This course is an American Red Cross course designed to train participants to become lifeguards. Participants who successfully complete the course and pass the written exams and final skills test will receive a lifeguarding certification, and a first aid and CPR certification for infants, children, and adults.
Teen and Adult Lessons -- Limit 6. Ages 13 years and up.
Prerequisite: None
This course focuses on the individual interests of the participants. There is no set curriculum or skills to be taught. Each participant will be asked on the first day what their ultimate goal for the course is and the lesson program will be designed around their individual goals. Skills taught can include any material covered in any course offered through the swim program (excludes water aerobics, diving, and lifeguard training).