Organizations wishing to post information, must submit a request along with a one-page PDF of the flyer/information at least 10 days prior to the desired posting date.
All materials to be posted must be pre-approved through Community Education. Individual schools will not process requests. Requests will be reviewed on the basis of the school district's data practice and advertising policies. Organizations offering a program in direct conflict with District 12 school athletics or Community Education classes will not have materials approved for posting. These access opportunities are only available to non-profit, youth-serving organizations located in and holding events within the Centennial School District boundaries.
Requests for posting of non-materials or promotion/endorsement of non-school activities are referred to the Community Education office for action and are not handled at the building level.
The sharing of non-district information is managed via the Digital Backpack. Centennial Community Education is the administrator of the Digital Backpack. Organizations can submit a one-page flyer via email to:
Upon approval we will electronically post your flyer to the Digital Backpack.
All non-district materials including Booster Club materials that are proposed to be shared within the Centennial District will meet the following guidelines:
- The primary mailing address of the entity proposing to post materials and the activity must be located within the school district.
- The entity requesting permission to post materials will be a not-for-profit organization according to the U.S. Internal Revenue Code or non-profit status as determined by the State of Minnesota. This will include booster clubs.
- The activity will support the goals of the Centennial School District. The District reserves the right to deny the sharing or posting of flyers that do not meet the criteria outlined in #1 and #2, and/or are not suitable for the school environment due to content that is vulgar, obscene, discriminatory or harassing; constitutes hate speech; is contrary to the health/safety of students; promotes illegal activity; violates district policies, rules or regulations; promotes or is hostile to any religion (however, materials from a religious organization will not be denied if the materials comply with all other criteria in these guidelines and do not proselytize or promote a religion); or will create a material and substantial disruption.
- The activity will not conflict/compete with school district activities.
- Flyers will include contact information for the sponsoring organization.
- The following disclaimer will be printed at the bottom of the materials typed in 12 font and bold: These materials were created by (name of sponsoring entity). This is NOT a school district sponsored or endorsed activity.
- The sponsor/organization must provide fee assistance or scholarships to needy participants and must include this information on the materials it wishes to distribute.
- PTA and PTO flyers will be submitted to the building principal and approved PTA and PTO flyers will be downloaded to the individual school’s site.